New Chair appointed

The Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Shona Robison has confirmed the appointment of Joe Philipsz as the new Chair of the Scottish Futures Trust, taking over from Ian Russell.

Speaking of the appointment, Peter Reekie, chief executive of the Scottish Futures Trust, said: "Joe is a highly respected infrastructure financier who brings a valuable international perspective to the role alongside his merchant banking background in the UK and European markets. I am delighted we have secured someone of his calibre to lead SFT’s Board.  
"His knowledge, experience and insight will be immensely valuable in steering the development of our 2025/30 Corporate Plan as well as leading the governance of our operation as an independent centre of infrastructure expertise.  

"As Joe takes over, I’d like to thank our outgoing Chair, Ian Rusell and acknowledge the huge contribution he has made to the organisation over the past seven years. It has been a privilege and pleasure to work with and learn from him."

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